Author: suemorrow

You named these foals!

One of the missions during our April trip to Last Chance Corral in Athens, Ohio was to name several foals for Kickstarter contributors. They each supplied a name and some offered a story behind the name. We are pleased to share them here.

Annabell Bogart Difiore J2 Jed McCrea Milo Pendragon Phoenix Rainbow Stanley

During our two-week trip I was able to join Victoria (LCC’s founder) on two trips to Kentucky to pick up foals, which is always an eye opening experience. I continue to learn more about this topic as I meet more horse folk. It’s encouraging to see first hand that the people I met are concerned about the lives of these babies and they are making efforts to create good lives for them.

Foal season is over, but Last Chance Corral continues to do heroic work with adult horse in need the remainder of the year. To learn more about them go to or look for their Facebook page.

Thanks for visiting this site!


“Does this bag make my butt look big?”

Oscar helps.


Cats. They always help the situation. Or maybe not. Thing is, this one is always in the middle of things when packing is involved. And, I am packing!

We are heading to Athens, Ohio in about 12 hours (oh hello, 4am PCT!) to do more filming – perhaps the last that’s needed to complete a huge chunk of this endeavor.

At the moment, there are 20+ foals at Last Chance Corral being readied for adoption. Victoria, some of her crew and four foals will be at Equine Affair in Columbus, Ohio on April 9-12 at the Expo Center. If you are anywhere nearby, stop by and say hello.

I will post pictures on the Born to Die Facebook page and my Instagram – @suelmorrow –  throughout the trip.

Reward updates:

Expecting screen savers? We’ll be making new pictures during the trip. I’ll send out late April as soon as they are edited.

Expecting a picture of “Name your foal”? I have heard from most of you who gave at $250-$500 reward level. If you haven’t sent me a name, please do.

Thank you again for all your support. I feel it!

Best to all.


Post Kickstarter!

photo 1 photo 2

This is Oscar. The Big Orange Office Manager (aka BOOMer). He’s in charge.

He says hats will be shipped on Monday. Pronto.


There is no such thing as “post” Kickstarter. It feels like we’re just getting started. And, that’s a great thing! This would not be happening without your support and cheering. We feel the momentum and it’s very, very good.

The Kickstarter rewards are being organized for shipping. Hats go out on Monday. DVDs are arriving any day and will be shipped promptly. Other rewards are close behind and will be shipped by end of March. If you are naming a foal, I plan on making pictures of your foals while in Athens. You’ll be hearing from me.

We are headed to Athens, Ohio in April for more filming. I will share news and pictures as the trip unfolds. Please keep your fingers crossed for a special opportunity we are hoping will happen to advance the storytelling about the foals. I believe in planets aligning themselves for things that are meant to happen. It’s a crucial part of the story and a missing link. Think good thoughts!

The topic of the nurse mare foals is getting out there, folks. No doubt about it. It’s equal parts scary and welcoming. I know there are chat boards about this documentary. While I’m not engaging them, the comments do provide good information. My intent is to start a conversation about accountability, practice and potential change. The animals deserve better. I aim to quell the defensiveness that often arises and start the conversations to help the horse, nurse mare and her foal. The haters gonna hate. Someone said that… 😉

If you want to follow and share on social media, I’m using #borntodie #nursemarefoals

Instagram: suelmorrow

Facebook: Born to Die has a page (please “like”

Twitter: @suelmorrow

So, stay tuned. Lots ahead and I am very gracious for your support. Best to all.



Hello, everybody!

Sue Morrow Sue Morrow Productions, LLC Photo by Michael Rondou
Sue Morrow
Sue Morrow Productions, LLC
Photo by Michael Rondou

Welcome to the web site that is all about my working documentary “Born to Die”, which will bring awareness to the story of the nurse mare foals of Last Chance Corral in Athens, Ohio.

We are happy to announce that the current 11-minute documentary will be shown at Equus Film Festival in New York City on November 21 and 22, 2014.

More info about that film festival, go here:

Meanwhile, we’re getting ready for a Kickstarter campaign for the expansion of the documentary. I aim to launch that in a few weeks. Stay tuned!

Best to all, thank you and welcome to the dream of getting the word out!

Save life!
